Could Governments Defeat Cryptocurrencies Easily?

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更新: 2022/04/05 0:00:26

Since the inception of Bitcoin, several of the sharpest tech intellectuals have given the planet a lemon. That a different type of world currency would undermine countries' and federal reserve' stranglehold on money. This new money will not exist in a tangible body; instead, it will be generated at random by a massive computer network doing a large number of computations. The money will have no fundamental worth other than the illusion of worth and its own preset shortage. Governments do not like cryptocurrencies because they simply cannot control them. Could governments defeat cryptocurrencies? If you are a crypto enthusiast who wants to know more about that, you can approach Cryptoknowmics.
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Cryptoknowmics works as your best Bitcoin and altcoin news app. The lure of a cryptocurrency is that it can make transactions between two individuals secure and possible without inefficient intermediaries like banks and rule-makers like governments. It offers complete anonymity and freedom—two things that governments, including democratic ones, dislike. In fact, governments dislike even their own currency notes, as it provides anonymity and too much freedom. Join Cryptoknwomics and stay updated with Bitcoin and altcoins news today. In today’s time, you may not find crypto news in one place only. However, Cryptoknowmics is a one-stop solution before you. No crypto platform is better than this one.


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